The Danish school association runs schools with more than 5.500 pupils, nurseries and kindergartens with close to 2.000 children as well as adult education institutions and programmes.
The Danish school association runs schools with more than 5.500 pupils, nurseries and kindergartens with close to 2.000 children as well as adult education institutions and programmes.
The South Schleswigian Association – Sydslesvigsk Forening, SSF - is the largest organisation within the Danish minority in northern Germany. It counts some 16.000 members and has 70 local branches. Apart from local activities with focus on the fellowship, SSF offers a wide range of Danish cultural events in the whole area. SSF among others also runs the Danevirke Museum covering the UNESCO World Heritage Hedeby-Danevirke and more than 40 large and small cultural centres in the region. SSF also is a player in the field of minority politicy in Germany, Denmark and Europe.
The Danish Youth Associations of South Schleswig Paraplyorganisation is an umbrella organization for multiple independent associations with a total membership of about 12.000. Their activities cover sports for all ages, youth activities (e.g. scouts) and different special interest. SdU a.o. also runs 11 children*s- and youth houses, a conference facility, two large gyms and other sports facilities.
The minority's political party, the SSW, has elected politicians in the state parliament of Schleswig-Holstein as well as county and municipal councils.
The Danish minority library system a.o. has four libraries, two library buses and a research institution focusing on the history of the region and the minority.
The Danish Health Service provides social and health services, including school doctors, mobile nursing care, a nursing home, and different consultation services for all ages.
The Danish Church with it's 24 priests provides clerical service for about 6.600 members in 35 perishes.
Flensborg Avis has been the Danish newspaper for the region for almost 150 years now.
The Nordic Information Office offers cultural events in the nordic languages and organizes different cross border projects. It is supported by the Nordic countries' governments (Nordic Council of Ministers)
Slesvigsk Kreditforening e.G. er et selvstændigt, medlemsbaseret og regionalt låneinstitut, tæt tilknyttet det danske mindretals kulturelle hovedorganisation (SSF). Foreningen yder lån til primært handel, håndværk og landbrug som også til private som f. eks. bilkøb eller boligbyggeri. Ifølge foreningens vedtægter kan enhver, der er medlem af det danske mindretal, ansøge om lån inden for foreningens forretningsområde.